Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The muslims have once again started defacing websites, and posting political messages against denmark... More news on the issue can be had from here . It's strange why denmark had to say anything ...and why this new wave of cyberwar against the two had to arise..??

It's just in it's budding stages, and more attacks are likely to be seen in the future. These things remind me of the all-famous Yaha worm and their variants which wreaked havoc in Pakistani ISP(s). Indians and pakistanis were dueling each other a while ago from 2001 or so and still it is continuiing ...for a reason called "Kashmir"

IMHO a Cyberwar between any two countries on political grounds is un-necessary. This is not any good because true patriots know how to fight by conducting, campaigns / speeches etc instead of trying to attack one's digital possesion.

Why try to mess with one's digital privacy when there are governments and other departments under them trying to bridge these issues smoothly.


This post is just my view and it's not meant to be Indian's view or pakistan's view or whatever. Iam against racial /communal feelings. Everybody is a human and they deserve what they actually do ... Neither me nor my host (blogger.com) can be held liable for any misconception of what is expressed in this post.

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